Saturday, December 31, 2011

10 Facts about Diabetes

Having to test my blood sugar 4-10 times a day is a real pain.
Having to change my site every three days is annoying.
When the batteries in my pump die, replacing them can be inconvenient.
Dealing with the symptoms of low blood sugars is frustrating.
Hyperglycemia side-effects are nauseating and can be life threatening.

However, the thing that bothers me most about having diabetes is others' ignorance about it. AND, the stupid things they say to us.

I've had people ask me questions about my pump, my blood sugars, my insulin, and even my diet. Most of the time people are just trying to find out more, they're curious, and I REALLY don't mind telling them more about it. But when people throw out their opinion when they're uneducated on the topic, that's when I get mad. Maybe mad isn't the right word. Just frustrated or annoyed.

Probably the worst question I've received is one that I hear quite frequently, "Can you eat that?" or, "Are you allowed to have that?" or, "Should you eat this?"
I've also heard, "You're a diabetic, does that mean you can't have any sugar?"
"I could NEVER give myself a shot"
"Do you always wear your pump?"
"Did you bring your food supply?" (this person was referring to my pump)
"Do you need your medicine?" (when I'm low)
"Do you need something to eat?" (when I'm high)
"Don't you think you'll be able to get rid of your diabetes since you're exercising more?"
"You're not too fat for a diabetic"
"You have diabetes? But you're not overweight."

There are some SIMPLE things that I wish ALL people knew about diabetes. I'll be the first to admit that I knew very little about diabetes before I was diagnosed. I also know that for the most part, people are just curious and that their comments aren't meant to be malicious in any way. However, it's pretty much NEVER socially acceptable to talk about another persons weight. Or diet. And if you don't know the way something works, don't be afraid to ASK a question so that you CAN understand.

1. Your pancreas is the organ in your body that makes insulin which controls the blood sugar levels in your body. A normal pancreas delivers insulin when you need it, and does not when you do not need it.

2. Diabetes means you have too much sugar in your blood- Hyperglycemia.

3. Usually a diabetic's blood sugars are too high. To bring them down, they must take their medication; either insulin or pills.

4. Sometimes a diabetic's blood sugars are too low. To bring them up, they must take in glucose by way of eating or drinking something with sugar in it.

5. Neither low blood sugars or high blood sugars are good. Lows can make a person pass out if extreme. Highs are more dangerous in the long run and cause complications like heart disease.

6. There are 2 different kinds of diabetes.
-Type 1: USED to be referred to as juvenile or childhood diabetes. This type of diabetes means that the person's pancreas no longer works and that to STAY ALIVE they must inject insulin; either through a syringe or a pump.
- Type 2: USED to be called Adult Onset diabetes. This type of diabetes means that the insulin your body makes is no longer effective, or as effective as it should be. This type is usually treated with oral medication but some patients also inject insulin.

7. Adults can be diagnosed as Type 1.

8. Children can be diagnosed as Type 2.

9. Currently, there is no cure for diabetes.

10. You could give yourself shots if you had to do so to survive.

I know this post sounds negative, and I'm sorry for that. I'm really not angry or anything, my purpose is really to get more information out about diabetes.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

one crazy morning

Ever have the kind of morning where you feel like you're moving in slow motion or making backward progress? This was me on Sunday.

First of all, I woke up a little later than I should have. We have Church services which start at 9:00 am. (I do love the early schedule though, and am NOT looking forward to changing this coming January) which means I need to be in the shower by like 7:15 am or none of us is going to get there in time. Well, it was about 7:30 before I even turned on the water.

Then I realized that I'd have to change my site. Yea, love a shower with no site! But that also means I'll need a little longer than necessary in the bathroom. After I'd finally gotten myself ready for the day, the kids still were not dressed and I hadn't eaten anything yet.

Then I was having all sorts of wardrobe problems. I decided to put on a skirt though, that I haven't worn in about 3 years. When I weighed in at Weight Watchers the day before I found out I was about 10 pounds down over the previous year's weight! Go me. So, I fit into that skirt that I hadn't worn. Yea!

We were not late to Church but I had to keep leaving the meeting room. Little Brother had to go to the bathroom, while I was taking him, my pump started beeping "No Delivery". What? I almost never get this with a new site. So I readjusted my complicated wardrobe, underwear, pantyhose, and tubing, still "No Delivery".

"I have to go home and change my site," I whisper to my Husband. He nods. "May I please have the keys?". He hands them to me.

I run home and although my site seemed to be fine, I went ahead and changed it. It gushed blood all over! Awesome. I test, 303. Pump wizard says I need 7.5 (it calculates my active insulin left over from the breakfast bolus) but I knew this would be too much so I took 5.7.

Get back into the meeting and sit down. Little Brother insists he needs a drink. I'd already been up and down so many times that I told him to go get a drink and come right back. One minute, two minutes, three minutes... I wait until the musical number is over... I walk down the hall and hear him calling for me.

He's in the bathroom- stall door open- and needs my assistance. I help him and decide that I'm done even though there's about 10 minutes or more of the meeting left.

Our church block is about 3 hours long so when I get home I'm almost ready for lunch. So, I test- 103!

Every once in a while I'm all sorts of DIABETES AWESOME like that! yea!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Guest on Blogging Diabetes

Recently I connected with Tony Rose of blogging diabetes about coming on his show and talking about Symilin. We had a great conversation about diabetes, diagnosis, symptoms, pumping, control, and using Symilin.

Here's a link to his blog:
you can follow him on Twitter:

Thanks Tony, for having me on, it was nice to talk with you.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Whole New Blog

I've been blogging since early 2006. At first I was over on some weird myspace-like site but then I quickly switched to blogger. I've been here since October, 2006. I love blogger and have enjoyed keeping our family journal of pictures and activities there.

From time to time I'll blog about Diabetes. Recently, I've been introduced to the Diabetes Online Community (DOC) and although I follow many diabetics on twitter, I am only occasionally able to meet up for the weekly DSMA twitter chat.

I've noticed that many tweeters are also Diabetes Bloggers. I thought I'd give it a shot and maybe focus more of my thoughts about diabetes on this site.

If you'll bare with me, I'd like to transfer my OLD diabetes posts over to this blog.

And, away we go!

Be sure to add me to your RSS!